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HestiaPi One - Smart thermostat
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Member since Jul 2024

HestiaPi One - Smart thermostat


What is it?

The HestiaPi is an open source smart thermostat that can be connected to your wifi and controlled with your smart phone. It can also operate in a completely standalone mode with its touch screen.

Why did you make it?

I wanted a thermostat that could be remotely controlled by me, but not by a big corporation like Google. With my background in information security, I also want to have visibility into how the products I use function, and know that they can be trusted. The HestiaPi fits the bill.

What makes it special?

It respects your privacy. It doesn't collect your data and send it off to anyone. All information is stored locally on the thermostat itself, and the only one with access to it is you.

It's open source, which has a number of implications.
- Transparent: This means you (or a friend) can see how it works so you know it's not doing things that it shouldn't be doing
- Tinkerer friendly: You can add onto it if you want, and make it do even more cool stuff!
- Supported: There's an entire community that helps support the product

When I say it's open source, I do not just mean that it runs some open source software. The hardware, documentation, and all the software is freely available. You can download it all, get your own printed circuit boards (PCBs) made, order the components, solder them on and have your own, home made HestiaPi.

Technical details

This product is a ready to use thermostat, including:

Raspberry Pi Zero W
LCD touch screen
Temperature and barometric pressure sensor (optionally humidity as well)
HestiaPi One PCB
Three silent solid state relays (optionally a fourth for 2nd stage heating)
Supporting electronics (wires, headers, reset switch, terminal block)
SD card
3D printed case

The annotated picture shows the following:

Modular power supply. 24V converter pictured here to run off the HVAC's power, but it can also use 5V and run off a 5v power supply connected to an outlet
Header pins for the LCD touchscreen
Silent (solid state) relays. 3 pictured, room for one more for two stage heating systems
Reset switch
Connector for the temperature sensor
Terminal posts to interface with the HVAC system


Please check to make sure the unit you're ordering is compatible with your Heating Venting and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system.

The default option is to have an external 5 volt power supply, which will work with any standard 24V US HVAC system.

There is an option to have the HestiaPi powered by HVAC systems that have 5 wires. These are typically labeled R, C, G, W, Y and are Red, Blue, Green, White, and Yellow (respectively). This model uses the power from the HVAC system so it does not need external power. This makes it look much nicer, as there are no visible wires. If your HVAC system can support this, it would be a recommended upgrade from the base model of HestiaPi.

As a general rule, if you are replacing thermostat that runs on batteries, you will likely need the option which uses external power (5V). If you are not sure what is the best option, feel free to send me info about your current thermostat and I'll help guide you.

More legible product info here: https://www.tindie.com/products/eternalsunshine/hestiapi-one-silent/

Published on: July 2, 2024

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Member since July 2024
About me

I bought a HestiaPi thermostat during the originally crowd funding campaign, and years later when I found out the creator was too busy to do software updates or produce hardware, I decided to step up to the plate and take care of software maintenance and hardware production.


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