1 XMR = $207.83
I Drive.
(USD) (≈ N/A)
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United States
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Rating 5.00 (2 reviews)
Member since Feb 2025

I Drive.


A man with a van and no major plan.

Current whereabouts- Kansas

I drive a ford e150 van, and am offering Driving/shuttling/delivery/roadtrip for my friends anywhere in the US.

I drive an e150 conversion/family van with no seats except the driver seat. Good for moving furniture, carrying boxes, etc.

I could probably find some seats if there are passengers that need a ride

I will not keep record of passengers, their private property, nor address or details of any destination.

Class 1 license

This is not a commercial service, legally speaking. I, your good friend, offer you the favor of driving you or your stuff wherever is helpful for you. I just ask that you, my friend, chip in financially to the trip beforehand.

Your roadtrip contribution can be discussed in private chat, but I would be thrilled if it included:

-Gas based on desired miles traveled
-Vehicle maintainence fund
-Contributing to me and my lil' doge's ability to eat when there are no friends to drive with.

This can all be combined into a per-mile amount that we can come to an agreement on.

Nothing highly illegal up in here. Nothing dangerous that will put me, my dog, or my vehicle in jeopardy with explosions, cops, or violence. Do not fucking stab or shoot me or get me mugged, my friend. Don't rope me into some unwitting drug-mule or trafficking bullshit. I am a peaceful, penniless, van-dwelling GREY agorist just looking for something helpful to do, so please look out for my wellbeing and abide by the non-aggression principle, and I will do the same. Message me and we can discuss your needs, I'm fairly open-minded.

Usecase examples:

-delivering your raw milk to friends in another state
-taking a group of friendly backpackers to an earthship workshop across the country, stopping at cool sights along the way
-driving your monero-loving abuelita and her luggage to the airport
-hauling your load of 3D-printed biodegradable trebuchets to the cyber-midieval swap meet
-unloading your barrels of homemade ivermectin-infused vape juice at the dropzone coordinates
-and more

Can chat here, SimpleX, or Session messenger. All orders will go through xmrbazaar.

Tags: delivery, shuttle, roadtrip, driver, vanlife

Published on: February 28, 2025

Views: 49

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About the trader

5.00 (2 reviews)
Member since February 2025
About me

I like Monero. I have a van. I like to drive.

Interested in parallel supply chain, p2p goods and services (especially baseline commodities), DIY manufacturing, and agorist countereconomics

Do YOU also like to drive? Would be pretty cool to have a country-wide xmr underground agorist shipping and supply network... just saying...

GNUber, anyone?



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