1 XMR = $217.22
AshleyJones Online today
5.00 (2 reviews)
Last online: Today
Member since July 2024
Total trades: 8

About me

I check XMRBazaar daily. If you have a custom request for a service you want me to offer, send me a message on here.

My Monero address is: 8A11e3NEQXvEbShkwZHd67e12rcM8GfADjSmrywkoZLP5XuakvDuNsp3d8B3RLoUZFRAFry38DM5Z6Gu1vJdbrRzVdbktHR

If you want to send a PGP message, use my PGP key on my website:

Use RetoSwap (Haveno) to trade your fiat currency with someone who is selling XMR. Cash in mail with a pseudonym is best. https://retoswap.com/

I'm Ashley Jones. I like repairing vintage electronics and I collect CRT TVs, vintage novelty radios, and VCRs. I also like open source software. Please watch my videos.

My website: https://dukenukemis.cool

My website onion: ashley6njwcozxrs6hknlwr73dwmgmnbb4cz6ckdljuwoek7q27equqd.onion

My videos website: https://videos.icum.to

My imageboard: https://tubgurl.com



Looking to buy


Looking to sell



My website: https://dukenukemis.cool
My website onion: ashley6njwcozxrs6hknlwr73dwmgmnbb4cz6ckdljuwoek7q27equqd.onion
My videos website: https://videos.icum.to
My imageboard: https://tubgurl.com

PGP key
            -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

5.00 stars overall · 2 reviews for this trader
Instead of a penny for her thoughts, it was $100 and my dignity. Still cheaper than therapy, though. 10/10 experience, would use Ashley as my confessional punching bag again.

(She is NOT blackmailing me for this review. She is NOT a dangerous person.)
I contacted her to post an Advertisement on her next monthly column and she answered almost instantly! Was great that she was willing to make up an ad as I didn't know what to do myself. She's got great imagination and creative skills. In just a few hours she designed a funny and complete ad for me. I could give her Feedback for adjustments and she offered to add some detailed description text under the ad. I didn't take the opportunity because I'm quite lazy but she went on and took the initiative herself. Turns out she did a really good job and it's so nice to see her so motivated in the Services she offers! She's gifted for informatics and technology and does everything she says, so don't hesitate to contact her and take her services :)
19 comments for this trader
**NOTE: I have been asked a few times about a review that was left on this listing and then deleted. I do not have the ability delete reviews. The customer chose to delete the 5 star review (for reasons unknown to me). I cannot remove reviews. That is solely up to the buyer. I encourage any customer to leave honest feedback on my service(s) to help future potential buyers decide for themselves if they would like to engage with one of my services. XMRBazaar does not allow sellers to delete reviews, as that would obviously goes against the nature of an honest review system.
Correct. https://dukenukemis.cool/images/gifs/meduke.jpg

I hope you and YOUR HUSBAND have a great day.
Ashley Jones is not a fed. She and HER HUSBAND seem to be legit monero maximalists. Bizzare listing but I'd cut her and HER HUSBAND a break.
I highly doubt it. There's nothing illegal with this listing or any of my listings. Perhaps people think sex offenders shouldn't have a right to free speech and shouldn't have a website going into detail about their past crime(s) and express their potential remorse -- but that's purely subjective opinion rather than legally questionable. These sex offenders already paid their due time legally speaking.

I've seen much more grey-market stuff being sold here like pharmaceuticals, spores, hacked accounts, and pirated media. Plus, I'm sure some employee at the FBI was aware of me at some point since there was a board about me on 8chan, which the government later co-opted. I'm just like Jesus slumming it with the lepers and various unwanted.
lol ... AshleyJones, you know your probably gonna get yourself into sh*t one day, I'm just saying. I'm telling you that the number of glowies on this website just went up by 120% after this, like I'm pretty sure the FBI knows you by now.
HAHAHAHA what the fuck, post-irony of 4chan guys is getting out of hand
Thank you, cellar_door. If I were to recommend another video of mine to watch, it would be "How to use macros in Microsoft Word". Here's a link: https://videos.icum.to/w/g4S1gHRS5jMKvVNSsRwsRa
To any passer-by's: highly suggest checking out "The Attack on Comedy" via her independently hosted video site; good content and solid delivery. Well done Ashley.
Please share with me if you find so I can join
Thanks for checking it out. I suppose the people in these areas reject censorship and adapt to places that offer more freedom. At least the owner of this website isn't some gross cripple heh. :D
Found this funny. Watched your imageboard video. 8chan. No wonder I was getting 8chan vibes from the Monero community. Is that where we all went after the death of the site?

-Also 2013-2014 8chan lurker.
>This isn't sexual,

Famous last words.
@IEatMyOwnCum kafanı sikiyim
That must be all your dad gives you for dinner, huh?
What if our dinner is semen?
Interesting, thanks for looking into it. Send me a private message and if it turns out this is something I can do legally in this specific scenario we can go from there.
I searched and found this link, looks like calling on behalf of others can be done. (see 3rd page)

This is an interesting question. I'm pretty sure I can't misrepresent myself to a government entity (e.g. using another person's name and making decisions in that other person's name). I'm willing to say I'm calling on behalf of X, and making it clear I'm an authorized representative of yours.
Hi, would you consider making a call to a politician on someone's behalf? I'm a member of a couple groups for causes I care about, and regularly get emails saying call your representative to support or oppose a bill. Calls are much more effective than emails, which are all but ignored, but I often still don't get around to making the calls. The call is simple, you call a number I'd send you, and confirm that you've reached the office of a particular representative. You'll get connected to a staffer, and you'll just need to say I'm this person, at this address, and I support/oppose bill X. Also, could you get an adult male to partner with you on this so you could offer both male and female voices?