1 XMR = $207.73
MDS_2025 Online today
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Last online: Today
Member since December 2024
Total trades: 0

About me

Company Overview:
Full-service information technology business
Focus on privacy and security

Products and Services:
Products available for purchase using XMR (Monero)
Laptops, desktops, mini platforms with AMD and INTEL-based systems
NAS solutions, Firewalls, Digital Wallets/Payment Processing (BTCPay Server)
Asset Exchange Service
Software Development Services to include AI Solutions.
System Engineering Services

Partnerships and Affiliations
Affiliates: Above Phone, Patriot Mobile, Health Ranger Store, Alex Jones Store
Partner Vendor relationships: NOMIC, System76, Fosi Audio, Parts Express

Christian Focus:
Dedicated portion of business selling: Bibles, spiritual books and patriotic literature with our favorite authors

Other Notable Information:
Member of Tactical Civics (private organization)
Chief AI architect and developer for indictment engine


With over 40 years of experience in information technology, we bring a developer mindset to our work.

Our expertise lies at the intersection of automation, OOP, AI and recently cryptocurrency, where we're driving innovative solutions forward. As trained software engineers with proficiency in J2EE and Python, we've honed our skills through numerous integrated systems deployments and complex software integrations across commercial and government projects. Getting ready for the next innovations and the great escape / leaving the data-center and into the edge and desktop.

This wealth of experience has instilled a passion for decentralization, which is the cornerstone of our architecture value system. For the past five years, we've been utilizing XMR (Monero) for both personal and business transactions, further solidifying our commitment to this decentralized approach.

All of what we said above is a perfect union with our unique American Constitutional Republic and must return to what our founding fathers intended for us, the sovereign. Not the evil debited nation because of centralized evil fiat system, where we are currently in 2025. God wants us to be free and prosperous. XMR can help us return to that original intent. Building a circular economy fits like a hand to glove to a Constitutional Republic.

Looking to buy


Looking to sell

Compute Platforms
NAS Solutions
Firewall Devices
Mobile Devices
Mobile Service
Asset Exchange
Development Services
Digital Audio Products


XMR CHAT: innovation@madison-digital.net
Email: sales@madison-digital.net
Website: https://madison-digital.net

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